Welcome to the Chaos!

We’re gettin’ ourselves a face lift (or at least a logo-lift) ‘round these parts.
Drumroll please
Introducing “Mother of Chaos
New logo, new website, new stuff!
(Side note, it’s SO MUCH EASIER to change a logo, a website and a brand, then it is to lose the extra padding I’ve been carrying around for warmth this winter 😆)

MOC logo 300 (1).png

While we’re still “Grateful for Gummies” and so much more around here, Mother of Chaos seems like a much better (and more realistic) fit for the chapter we’re in! There will be MUCH MORE to come (hint hint) alongside the fun that is this crazy #KernsFamilyof5. We welcome you along this journey whether you’ve been here since the beginning or you’re just jumping on the train with us! As the kids continue to grow the chaos seems to grow right along with them. While they might outgrow the gummies (not too soon please) they’ll never stop creating chaos… I can almost guarantee it.

If there are topic you’re curious about, we’d love to hear your suggestions as we continue to write about what we’ve got going on. Meanwhile, check out the new podcast episode (where we chat about the dredding 18-month-old toddler monster) available now!

Enjoy the Chaos,



How to Talk Your Kids Through a Pandemic

